Living in Uruguay

Uruguay Invites You: Live and Work as a Digital Nomad!

digital nomad works remotely from location in uruguay, with a laptop displaying business growth, symbolizing the balance between work and leisure.

Uruguay Invites You: Live and Work as a Digital Nomad!

Uruguay has taken a bold step with the introduction of a new residency visa for digital nomads. The visa allows individuals to work for foreign companies or be self-employed and offers an easy application via an online form.

What are digital nomads?

Digital nomads live as global citizens and are a growing group of professionals who use the freedom of the mobile internet to work and live remotely. They are breaking away from traditional working models and creating a life that seamlessly combines work and travel. The digital nomad lifestyle is characterized by flexibility and freedom, making it possible to work from almost anywhere in the world – be it a beach in Uruguay, a café in Berlin or a co-working space in Bali.

The digital nomad community is a diverse and ever-growing group united by common interests and the remote working lifestyle. Within this community, like-minded people come together to share knowledge and experiences, support each other and often collaborate or start projects. These communities can be found both online and offline in the form of meetups, conferences and social gatherings in popular digital nomad hotspots around the world.

The digital nomad community is a diverse and constantly growing group that is united by common interests and the lifestyle of remote working. Within this community, like-minded people come together to share knowledge and experiences, support each other and often collaborate or start projects. These communities can be found both online and offline in the form of meetups, conferences and social gatherings in popular digital nomad hotspots around the world.

Finding digital nomads is now easier than ever, thanks to numerous online platforms, social media and specialized forums that promote exchange and networking within the community. Whether it’s looking for tips on the best café with Wi-Fi in Montevideo, recommendations for accommodation suitable for long-term stays, or simply sharing inspiring stories and advice, the digital nomad community is always just a few clicks away.

digital nomad works remotely from location in uruguay, with a laptop displaying business growth, symbolizing the balance between work and leisure.
digital nomad works remotely from location in uruguay, with a laptop displaying business growth, symbolizing the balance between work and leisure.

Uruguay: A leading destination for remote work and digital nomads

Uruguay is once again confirmed as a top destination for remote work and digital nomads. According to the Global Remote Work Index 2023 by NordLayer, a cybersecurity company, Uruguay ranks 43rd in the world and first in Latin America for the second consecutive year as the best country to attract talented professionals for remote work and ensure the quality of remote work. This award underlines Uruguay’s attractiveness as a location for digital nomads and remote working professionals from all over the world.


What does the residence visa for digital nomads offer?

The visa, known as the Temporary Identity Card – Nomad, allows people to reside in Uruguay for a period of six months, with the possibility of extending for a further six months or applying for a temporary or permanent residence permit.

What are the advantages and requirements of the visa?

With no restrictions on nationality or professional activity, this visa is easy to apply for as there is no minimum income requirement and the entire process is online. In addition, technological services are tax-free in Uruguay, making the country an attractive destination for digital nomads.

How do I apply for the visa?

Applicants can fill out the online form after entering the country as tourists. Once the application has been approved and the relevant fee has been paid, the visa will be sent by email and is valid for 180 days.

Uruguay invites you: Live and work as digital nomads
Uruguay invites you: Live and work as digital nomads

Extension and renewal procedure

A clean criminal record and a vaccination certificate issued in Uruguay are required to extend the stay. Once the visa has been obtained, a Uruguayan identity card must be applied for, which is required for renewal and departure from the country.

Uruguay – an attractive destination for digital nomads

With its quality of life, infrastructure and tax-free technological services, Uruguay joins the list of countries offering stays for digital nomads, following a global trend in growth.

Uruguay has positioned itself as an attractive destination for remote workers and independent business people with the introduction of a digital nomad visa. This visa, which is valid for six months and can be renewed once, does not require a minimum income threshold and comes with a low fee of $11. The application process can be completed conveniently online once the applicant has arrived in the country as a tourist. The application involves filling out a form with personal information and submitting a sworn statement of financial means for self-sufficiency (COLIVING TIRANA).

In addition, Uruguay stands out for its tax exemption on the export of technological services, a significant advantage for digital nomads working in the tech industry. Although there are currently no salary requirements, this could change in the future.Applicants wishing to extend their stay must have a clean criminal record from all countries where they have lived for more than six months in the last five years, as well as a vaccination certificate issued in Uruguay.

Case study:

In addition to the aforementioned benefits of the digital nomad visa in Uruguay, such as the tax exemption on the export of technological services and the ease of application, Uruguay opens up further business opportunities.

MATTHIAS KOHLMANN, who himself works from Uruguay as a sales partner for the growth of German companies, is an example of how well suited the country is as a location for international business activities. Residency in Uruguay enables not only living in a country with a high quality of life, but also seamless integration into local and international business networks.

Uruguay offers a dynamic economy and a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and business people looking to expand their activities. The availability of a digital nomad visa underlines the country’s commitment to attracting professionals and talent from around the world. By working with local experts such as Matthias Kohlmann, German companies can effectively enter the South American market and benefit from the diverse economic opportunities in Uruguay.

For companies interested in expanding, Uruguay offers not only financial incentives, but also a stable legal basis that facilitates international business. Cooperation with local distribution partners can facilitate entry into the market and lead to sustainable growth.Uruguay is thus positioning itself as a strategic location for companies looking to expand their reach and benefit from a vibrant, business-friendly environment.

For more details and the application process, interested digital nomads can contact us as the official migration service.

How can I become a digital nomad?

Find a job that you can do online, set up your mobile office and plan your trips smartly.

The important thing is to stay flexible and network well.

How much do you earn as a digital nomad?

Your income varies depending on your job, industry and commitment. Some just get by, others earn really well. Find your niche!

Where do I have to pay taxes?

A complicated matter.

You often pay taxes where you are registered or have your business. It’s best to get professional advice from us or our partners.

What does ‘digital nomad’ actually mean?

As a digital nomad, you use the internet to work from anywhere. Freedom and flexibility are paramount – you live and work wherever you want.

Does it always make sense to become a digital nomad?

Living and working as a digital nomad in Uruguay offers attractive tax benefits in addition to quality of life and ease of residency.Uruguay actively promotes new residencies with tax incentives, including a tax exemption of up to eleven years on foreign financial income for new tax residents.This makes Uruguay an attractive location for those looking to relocate and benefit from a favorable tax regime. Certain requirements apply for permanent residency, such as a proven monthly income that supports the standard of living in the country. If you meet the criteria, you could not only enjoy the lifestyle of a digital nomad, but also enjoy the long-term benefits of permanent residency in Uruguay


Website specializing in migration HTTPS://LIVINGINURUGUAY.COM/

Explore More About Living in Uruguay with

For comprehensive support in establishing your life, business, or investments in Uruguay, especially for expats from Germany, visit our partner site . Discover a wide range of resources, articles, and real estate listings at Living in Uruguay .

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